Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Being creative and pushing myself to think outside of the box is one of the reasons why I absolutely LOVE Halloween!  Trust me, I was never this into Halloween before. C & I started the Halloween costume matching thing around 2008- not THAT long ago but I'm surprised that we've been keeping up with it since. It makes it that much more FUN and we know we can look forward to this holiday every year. I'm not going to lie, I love hearing the whispers around us when we walk by in our costumes every year...we "secretly" high five each other every time someone gives us a compliment. *high-five for pulling off another year of theee coolest costume*
C & J's Outfit
Tanks- Bought for $2.99 each at Charlotte Russe
Skirts- Bought sheets of fabric for $10 each from Jo-Ann Fabric then hand sewn
Stockings- Bought at an accessories store for $4.99 each
Belts- found in C & J's own closets
Boots- both from Urban Outfitters 
P.S. The other bf joined in on the fun this year too, as big bird (hat and boots also DIY!)
(Buy a bag of yellow feathers from any craft store and hot glue them onto any hat- hat also found at craft store. Cookie Monster cookies were cut out from felt, easiest cookies I ever made!)
We don't exactly have the coolest costumes because of WHAT we are it's the coolest because we spend less than $20 each every year- there's always a DIY involved with our costumes and although we do pass by people who are dressed as the same "character" we know...in our eyes, ours is better because ours was hand made, cheap-er, and fully thought out from head to toe ;)

It's funny because C & I aren't very "showy" in your face- attention loving people at ALL but when it comes to Halloween...we take pride in our costumes (maybe it's because were disguised as someone/thing else) and that's when our tiny alter ego comes out.

Once every year only in October!

Enjoy our quick steps to this years Cookie Monster & Elmo costumes- we had so much fun with these but I did feel my old self get a bit lazier this year. Usually we have two costumes but this year we were good with one haha

Until next year...HAPPY HALLOWEEEEN!

Love, C & J

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